Recent CALES Alum Helps People Achieve Financial Goals They Could ‘Only Dream Of’

Martina Mendoza discovered her passion for financial services at the University of Arizona. Now, she puts her enthusiasm – and her expertise – to work helping others as a client advisor associate at Mission Wealth in Santa Barbara, California.
“I love that every day presents something different,” said Mendoza, who graduated in May 2020 as a Personal and Family Financial Planning major from the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences Norton School of Human Ecology.
“I am passionate about helping people to reach and exceed their personal and financial goals that they thought they could only dream of,” she said. “I enjoy being a resource to others, and I work to truly impact their wellness and quality of life.
Mendoza, who grew up near Los Angeles, was able to land a job in her chosen field, just like most graduates of the Norton program. In fact, this spring, every graduate in the program received at least one job offer, and most had two, said Richard Rosen, associate professor of practice and program chair of personal and family financial planning.
The need for financial planning is greater than ever, with pandemic repercussions, high inflation, and a rocky stock market.
Mendoza said she works closely with her team of advisors to help clients through all stages of life. She analyzes client data to develop financial plans and reviews tax returns to explore strategies to protect and maximize wealth.
“In addition, I review estate planning documents to ensure that all our clients’ wishes are documented, as well as reviewing insurance policies to make sure clients are properly insured,” Mendoza said.
She credits CALES for stirring her passion for the field. She cited conferences she was able to attend, an internship at Cambridge Financial Group in Tucson, and especially her professors and advisors in Norton.
“The program supported me in ways I couldn’t have imagined,” she said.