Your support for our Areas of Greatest Need means we can respond quickly and efficiently when challenges arrive.
When the pandemic struck, Areas of Greatest Need donors helped CALES researchers produce hand sanitizer for our community, and they helped CALES graduate students learn how to build and lead online courses, so they could continue working and growing despite COVID. Greatest Need donors also helped us increase mental health counseling services for our students, who were facing unprecedented stress.
Gifts to Areas of Greatest Need make a difference make a difference in the most pressing and unprecedented needs as they arise.
To make a gift, click below. The link will take you to the CALES Giving Page. In the Your Gift section at the top of the page, select “Other - Please Specify” in the drop down menu. In the Additional Information section, type in "Areas of Greatest Need" in the Other, tell us more text box.
If you wish to speak to a member of our team for more information about specifics on the current areas of greatest need, we’re here to help. Contact us at development@cals.arizona.eduor 520-626-0047.