Stewarding the next generation of natural resource managers
A lifelong educator and natural resource professional, Pat and his wife Miriam made an investment in CALES to support students interested in natural resource stewardship.

As a former Director of the School of Natural Resources and the Environment, Pat Reid saw the importance of talented students acquiring a solid foundation in their major and applying it to stewarding our precious natural resources and the environment.
Pat’s career spanned many years at several universities, as a teacher, researcher, and administrator at UArizona, the University of Florida, Colorado State University, as well as stints at universities as far away as Zimbabwe and Australia. He also sought opportunities to be of service in other ways. Among his many accolades, Pat served as a Director and President of the National Association of University Forest Resources and as Chairman of the Board for Natural Resources, in the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC). Both organizations have provided considerable influence by informing and guiding the distribution of federal dollars for natural resource policy, including academic programs, research funds, and public outreach.
In the same generous spirit as his volunteerism, Pat and his wife Miriam established the C.P. Patrick Reid and Miriam Davis Reid Endowed Scholarship to give back to the School of Natural Resources and the Environment. Their hope is to create opportunities for future students to gain leadership and professional experience in natural resource management.
Together, they want students to learn how to take advantage and participate in professional societies, such as the Society of American Foresters, Ecological Society of America, American Institute of Hydrology, American Fisheries Society, Society for Range Management., American Association for the Advancement of Science, and other wildlife organizations.
At the end of the day, they’ve made an enduring investment in CALES students to “get involved” in their profession at the local, state and national arenas. We hope you will consider joining in, too. An anonymous donor has pledged $60,000 to match gifts to the scholarship this Giving Day on February 14. Every dollar will be matched to help develop the next generation of leaders who will steward our precious natural resources. Visit the CALES Giving Day Page on Valentines Day to give.